January 2012 Results
1. Does your company own, manage, and/or provide services and/or support to LIHTC properties?
Yes | 91% |
No | 9% |
2. In which U.S. States/Territories does your company own/manage/provide services and/or support to LIHTC properties? Please select all that apply.
Alabama | 5% |
Alaska | 0% |
American Samoa | 0% |
Arizona | 5% |
Arkansas | 10% |
California | 17% |
Colorado | 2% |
Connecticut | 20% |
Delaware | 2% |
District of Columbia | 12% |
Florida | 22% |
Georgia | 7% |
Guam | 0% |
Hawaii | 5% |
Idaho | 2% |
Illinois | 10% |
Indiana | 15% |
Iowa | 2% |
Kansas | 10% |
Kentucky | 12% |
Louisiana | 10% |
Maine | 5% |
Maryland | 12% |
Massachusetts | 24% |
Michigan | 10% |
Minnesota | 5% |
Mississippi | 5% |
Missouri | 10% |
Montana | 2% |
Nebraska | 2% |
Nevada | 0% |
New Hampshire | 7% |
New Jersey | 17% |
New Mexico | 5% |
New York | 15% |
North Carolina | 7% |
North Dakota | 0% |
Ohio | 17% |
Oklahoma | 10% |
Oregon | 10% |
Pennsylvania | 20% |
Puerto Rico | 0% |
Rhode Island | 12% |
South Carolina | 10% |
South Dakota | 2% |
Tennessee | 15% |
Texas | 15% |
Utah | 5% |
Vermont | 2% |
Virginia | 12% |
Virgin Islands | 5% |
Washington | 0% |
West Virginia | 2% |
Wisconsin | 0% |
Wyoming | 2% |
3. Do any of the U.S. States/Territories Housing Agencies in which your company owns/manages/provides services and/or support to LIHTC properties accept electronic compliance data reporting?
Yes | 60% |
No | 13% |
I do not know | 27% |
4. If you company owns/manages/provides services and/or support to LIHTC properties in U.S. States/Territories whose housing agencies accept electronic reporting, which state housing agencies accept the State HFA-LIHTC Data Transfer Standard? Please select all that apply.
Alabama | 4% |
Alaska | 0% |
American Samoa | 0% |
Arizona | 0% |
Arkansas | 11% |
California | 4% |
Colorado | 4% |
Connecticut | 15% |
Delaware | 0% |
District of Columbia | 0% |
Florida | 7% |
Georgia | 4% |
Guam | 0% |
Hawaii | 0% |
Idaho | 4% |
Illinois | 4% |
Indiana | 7% |
Iowa | 4% |
Kansas | 7% |
Kentucky | 11% |
Louisiana | 0% |
Maine | 7% |
Maryland | 4% |
Massachusetts | 22% |
Michigan | 7% |
Minnesota | 0% |
Mississippi | 0% |
Missouri | 11% |
Montana | 4% |
Nebraska | 4% |
Nevada | 0% |
New Hampshire | 7% |
New Jersey | 15% |
New Mexico | 4% |
New York | 11% |
North Carolina | 4% |
North Dakota | 0% |
Ohio | 11% |
Oklahoma | 7% |
Oregon | 7% |
Pennsylvania | 15% |
Puerto Rico | 0% |
Rhode Island | 11% |
South Carolina | 0% |
South Dakota | 4% |
Tennessee | 15% |
Texas | 11% |
Utah | 4% |
Vermont | 4% |
Virginia | 7% |
Virgin Islands | 4% |
Washington | 0% |
West Virginia | 0% |
Wisconsin | 0% |
Wyoming | 0% |